Business Ads and Family Ads

Ads MUST BE IN JPEG, GIF, or PNG format – 300 dpi.
Ads MUST be submitted in the correct ad size or be subject to a $25 ad design fee.
Ad placement will be decided by NYT as to the best fit in the playbill.

Ads ARE DUE BY April 3rd, 2023.
(Unless we fill all playbill ad space prior to the due date)



Choose Your Ad

If you are advertising in more than 1 show playbill, you MUST use the same ad for all playbills. All ads MUST be in ready and complete format to upload in either JPEG or PNG format. All ads are available as either business or family ads. All ads MUST be submitted in the correct ad size (see ad dimensions above). If submitted ads need to be resized, the advertiser will be charged a $25 ad design fee.

Choose Which Show(s)


Upload Your Ad

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
All images must be 300 DPI.
Only complete this section if you checked the ad design box. Text is limited to 200 words.

Please Click Submit Below to Be Taken to Paypal

Please click the submit button even if you are paying by check. If you are paying by check, you do not need to follow the link to PayPal. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]