Our season consists of two productions (fall and spring). Each production is performed a minimum of four times over the weekend. We distribute show-specific playbills to each audience. We invite you to share in the National Youth Theater experience by placing an ad in our playbill.


Your ad in our playbill will not only give your business repeat exposure to hundreds of audience members throughout the production’s run, it also helps ensure that National Youth Theater will be able to continue to provide musical theater productions at affordable prices to the community and its visitors. Many families take our playbills home for further review, and even use them for autographs from our cast after each performance.  For more information email [email protected]



Shout out to your favorite cast member, director or group with a photo! Your message will be included in the playbill for the upcoming show. This unexpected delight will surely brighten their day when they find it in the playbill. This is a unique way to honor them and for you to support the show and National Youth Theater. Please follow the link below and your supporter ad will be included in the playbill.

All Supporter Ads are due by April 7, 2025


Send a note of congratulations to your family and friends! Your message will be included in the playbill for an upcoming show. This is a wonderful little surprise for the recipient to find when they look through the playbill. It’s also an easy and inexpensive way for you to support the show and National Youth Theater. At the low price of $5, you can afford to send them to several cast members. Please follow the link below and your congrats ad will be included in the playbill.

All Congrats Ads are due by April 7, 2025


As a nonprofit ministry National Youth Theater WI is only able to continue operations through program fees and donations. If none of the above options are a good fit for you please prayfully consider a monetary gift towards our mission.  Every dollar goes toward the ministry of bringing children closer to God through the performing arts. We are grateful for your thoughtful act of kindness.

Please donate here